• CCA timber update

    Updated: 2012-06-30 23:44:24
    The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) have placed new restrictions on arsenic-treated timber. From this Sunday, July 1st 2012, timber treated with copper, chromium and arsenic (CCA timber) will be declared a restricted chemical product, and further restrictions will be placed on its use that will protect children, in particular. See APVMA’s media [...]

  • Pumpkin problems

    Updated: 2012-06-30 23:44:24
    Karen has had disappointing results from her Queensland Blue pumpkin vine which produced pumpkins with very little flesh and she wants to know how to avoid problems in future. Karen, if the seeds are soft and immature, you may have picked the pumpkins before the ‘fruit’ has fully developed, and pumpkins are fruits although we [...]

  • What is this?

    Updated: 2012-06-30 22:59:32
    Okay this plant is currently growing in my backyard. My mother planted it but cannot remember what it is (she has dementia). My best guess is it is likely a fruit plant.... I think. Again sorry but I have no clue.

  • ID the insides? Strelitzia reginae

    Updated: 2012-06-30 18:52:47
    Greetings. This is not about identifying the plant itself nor about the flower, seeds and fruit, but the bits inside the stem. Inside the stem of the Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae, or the common landscaper's choice in Southern California) are clusters of a white stringy substance that I have discovered my dogs eating several times. Can you ID that plant part and it's toxicity? They...

  • Stumped on this one

    Updated: 2012-06-30 18:23:40
    Hi, greenhouse grown, 7' tall, blooming now. Any ideas? David

  • British Columbia: Top soil or compost? need help to buy soil

    Updated: 2012-06-30 07:15:46
    I really like planting vegetable, now I need more veg beds, and need more soil. It is a new yard, so no soil at all, only a sand base, turf with a thin layer of dirt. I need buy some. I thought what I really need is dirt and then I can add things like peat moss etc. But then it seems I should buy top soil? I found there are top soil amender and top soil. top soil amender is pure compost and...

  • Problems with classic shrubs in this climate plus a rose tip

    Updated: 2012-06-30 06:17:25
    I had planted a year or two ago two slightly different viburnums [I think different varieties -- I don't remember which, but they had smaller, maple-leaf type leaves] and a snowmound spirea, the type which has irregular shape and blooms later than the lovely early bridalwreath spirea which does have truly arching delicate branches covered with white bloom. Well, the viburnums turned to mere...

  • Iris Mariposa bud died

    Updated: 2012-06-30 05:29:10
    I planted 2 Mariposa Skies Irises November 4, 2011 in my garden, in Kitsilano, then moved them April 10, 2012. They are facing East and get about 6 hours of sun per day. On June 18, 2012 there was a blue bud showing at the base of one of the irises, but by June 25th I noticed the bud had turned white, it has now turned brown. he corm feels firm and I don't see any holes in the base of the...

  • Scrophulariaceae ??

    Updated: 2012-06-30 01:49:00
    Hello i found this plant in a Greek island . Does anyone knows what is it ? Is it a member of Scrophulariaceae family ? http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/8755/dsc01888o.jpg

  • witches broom...

    Updated: 2012-06-30 01:13:35
    I have recently in my Surrey- Guildford neighborhood come across something on a tree (Pinus nigra) which is apparently called a witches broom. When I emailed a picture to a friend in The Netherlands, he told me what it was and apparently there is only one Pinus nigra witches broom in that country. I am curious how frequent or rare these apparitions are in our neck of the woods, and how...

  • Appreciation: Cardiocrinum giganteum

    Updated: 2012-06-29 22:10:49
    My giant lily is about to bloom. It is about ten feet tall and has eight pods. I am hoping that we don't get too much rain in the next few days. This isn't a question; I just wanted to share my excitement. Samsam

  • Birch

    Updated: 2012-06-29 21:05:44
    What kind of birch has so elaborate leaves?

  • White and purple flowers

    Updated: 2012-06-29 18:35:48
    I know there are carnations and roses in the pic, so just need help with the white flowers(with many petals) and the smaller purple ones...Thanks!

  • Identification: Please help me identify and save this potted tree!

    Updated: 2012-06-29 17:52:17
    Hi there, I recently started working at a new job, and there is a tree in the office that looks quite ill to me. I'd like to save it, but have no idea what it is and therefore can't research specific information. It's watered by a coworker every 2-4 days, and gets the most direct sunlight in the office throughout the day. Is there anything I can do differently? I'm not a plant expert, but I'm...

  • To identify plants at UBC botanical garden

    Updated: 2012-06-29 17:39:49
    I have question to identify plants at UBC botanical garden. I am sure some people have the same questions. Thank you in advance. 1. Next to the entrance, big tree, prepared to bloom or fater blooming, some berries on second pictures. I am thinking about some Rhus sp with such big pinnately compound leaves, fruit suspicious? Attachment 103843...

  • Pear tree problem

    Updated: 2012-06-29 15:09:39
    does this look like a tree borer infestation ?next to the cracks were some small bags that look like saw dust,and a white substance is coming out i can't find any holes

  • Growing Mullein in the Garden

    Updated: 2012-06-27 21:54:04
    I had a volunteer mullein sprout in a crack in my stone walkway (at the end by some rocks) last year, and despite it being considered a weed by most, I left it, and this year I am rewarded with a great show. Why not grow this plant on purpose? Many actually do, it has a [...]

  • White Clover Lawn

    Updated: 2012-06-24 01:18:57
    What if I told you there was a way to have a greener lawn, that needed less water, less fertilizer, attracted beneficial insects, and yes, it would be greener? Would you believe me? You should. White clover is the answer to this riddle. A white clover planted lawn is sometimes called an ecolawn, you simply overseed [...]

  • Almost Famous!

    Updated: 2012-06-20 11:52:19
    My account of my time as FIP Tournament Director of the FIP Snow Polo World Cup 2012 has been published in Hurlingham Polo’s June edition. Pretty cool. Read all about it!

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