• New Hope for Aging Muscles and Quality of Life for Seniors

    Updated: 2012-09-28 12:22:04
    Quality of life is the future of geriatric medicine and one of the keys is the improvement of  muscle health. People are living longer, but what about how they live? Often the elderly are plagued with falls, broken hips and other bones as well as the loss of muscle.  Scientists have long focused on this problem because if muscle health can [...]

  • IAHSA Blog is Moving to IAHSA.net

    Updated: 2012-09-21 16:25:41
    Hello loyal followers and readers! We have some good and bad news. The good news first? IAHSA is launching its new and improved website featuring more robust content, user friendly layout and integrated features.  The new website will be available as of Monday, September 24.  It has a search feature which allows you to seek [...]

  • Senior Citizen Flash Mobs Are ‘Dynamite’

    Updated: 2012-09-21 15:18:44
    The latest craze among senior citizens is the senior citizen flash mob.  We have chosen four of the best and most entertaining ones featuring seniors who are as young as 95. These vids prove our points that seniors can get out in their communities and show the younger people how to have a good time. [...]

  • Contact Us

    Updated: 2012-09-20 21:27:19
    Compendium Contact Help Contact us Compendium is headquartered in Indianapolis , Indiana . To learn more about us or our products , we encourage you to contact . us The best way to do so is by sending an . email Sales sales compendium.com Product Support help compendium.com Other Questions info compendium.com Our current contact information is as : follows Compendium , LLC 55 Monument Circle Suite 1400 Indianapolis , IN 46204 Phone : 317.777.6100 Fax : 317.777.6215 2007-2012 Compendium . All rights . reserved

  • Universal Design by Sweden

    Updated: 2012-09-20 16:34:25
    Ikea design has nothing on KTH Royal Institute of Technology’s Centre for Health and Building.  The KTH Centre for Health and Building (CHB) undertakes Research and Design (R&D) projects in cooperation with universities, industrial companies, municipalities and county councils – always taking into consideration universal design. Every feature in the CHB Full Scale Living Laboratory [...]

  • 2012 Idea House – Home Improvement

    Updated: 2012-09-19 20:23:06
    As part of LeadingAge’s Annual Meeting taking place 21-24 October 2012 in Denver, Colorado, the LeadingAGe IdeaHouse takes the spotlight in innovative design.  Combining 110 ideas, this year’s house boasts an array of designs and technology applications in a new 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom cottage-style home. 30 companies will be exhibiting this highly sought-after design [...]

  • Lessons from Senior Living

    Updated: 2012-09-18 16:42:14
    The IAHSA and LeadingAge Housing with Services Study Tour was inspiring, informative and interesting.  Each of the five communities we visited brought something new to the table and showed what dedication and commitment can do for senior living.   The most important lessons we took with us are seldom taught, and less often shared.  The leaders [...]

  • The Art of Ageing – Exhibitions on Perceptions of Ageing

    Updated: 2012-09-05 18:17:40
    Changing attitudes, shifting perspectives and creation of new norms when it comes to ageing may seem like an arduous feat.  Art, as usual, has come to the rescue to help facilitate positive outcomes. Imagine your life transformed before your eyes and knowing now what you wouldn’t for another 60, 70 years.  In Israel, the Dialogue [...]

  • engAGE and Inspire Age-friendly Cities

    Updated: 2012-08-30 20:02:39
    Recently on Twitter, one of our followers asked if there was a resource for global age-friendly cities.  Well now there is! A new website has been launched this week to showcase the Age-friendly world. Organized by the World Health Organization and International Federation on Ageing (IFA) this e-portal will become a central resources for developing, [...]

  • New Short Introduction by Research Associate Joshua Fox

    Updated: 2012-08-29 23:22:20
    Our research associate Joshua Fox has penned a short introduction on Friendly AI, which is translated and revised from a version which appeared in Hebrew in the Israeli magazine Galileo. Here is an excerpt: In coming decades, computer engineers will … Continue reading →

  • A Selection from the Singularity Institute’s Bookshelf

    Updated: 2012-08-27 23:40:14
    The books listed here are: Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation (2nd edition) Gowers et al. (eds.), The Princeton Companion to Mathematics Koller & Friendman, Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques Sethna, Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity Russell & … Continue reading →

  • Culture-Specific Palliative Care

    Updated: 2012-08-27 21:11:27
    This notion of offering specialized culture-specific hospice and palliative care programs is spreading quickly.  There are many communities that already offer culture-specific teams to care for particular ethnic groups or those sharing common languages, religious affiliations or traditions. Now, Hospice of the Good Shepherd in Boston, Massachusetts, is accommodating Russian-speaking residents by offering a Russian-speaking [...]

  • Sleep Tight, Wake Bright: Research on Healthy Rest

    Updated: 2012-08-22 20:05:55
    New research shows that a lack of sleep is a growing health problem around the world, and not just in developed countries. It was found that Bangladesh, South Africa and Vietnam have extremely high levels of sleep problems. On the other hand, India and Indonesia reported relatively low levels of sleep problems. Sleeplessness has been [...]

  • Homegrown Health: The Benefits of Garden Therapy

    Updated: 2012-08-21 19:32:35
    My garden does not whet the appetite; it satisfies it. It does not provoke thirst through heedless indulgence, but slakes it by proffering its natural remedy. Amid such pleasures as these have I grown old. - Epicurus A recent study in the American Heart Association’s Journal Circulation, found that heart health can be improved by [...]

  • Singularity Summit 2012 Promo Video!

    Updated: 2012-08-21 01:16:38
    Singularity Summit 2012 – Create the Future from Singularity Institute on Vimeo. The Singularity Summit is the world’s leading dialog on the Singularity, bringing together scientists, technologists, skeptics, and enthusiasts alike. It was created to provide a much needed forum … Continue reading →

  • Whiteboards at the Singularity Institute

    Updated: 2012-08-19 23:00:53
    For your enjoyment, some recent whiteboards at the Singularity Institute…

  • 10 Reasons why we need to act to protect the rights of older people

    Updated: 2012-08-16 20:35:23
    Next week, William (Bill) T. Smith of Aging in America will attend the Open Ended Working Group 3rd session  in New York on behalf of IAHSA, where the Committee on Ageing will be presenting to the government delegations, a list of nearly 100 endorsements on a call to action.  IAHSA is one of the many [...]

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