• Organizing Entrepreneurial Judgment: Kindle Edition Now Available

    Updated: 2012-05-23 20:01:12
    | Peter Klein | Here’s the link — and the price is right, just $16.50! According to the latest sales figures, we’re up to #1,070,026 on Amazon. So close to the top spot! Incidentally, my sole-authored Capitalist and the Entrepreneur is just behind at #1,210,245, suggesting that the market places only a small value on the marginal [...]

  • More Coase

    Updated: 2012-05-23 05:59:56
    | Peter Klein | Russ Roberts interviews Coase on EconTalk. Familiar stuff, but it’s great to hear Coase talk about it at age 101. Some highlights: Roberts: “[I]t’s hard to measure transactions costs; it’s hard to quantify the theory. Is that correct or is it irrelevant.” Coase: “It’s very relevant. But the state of economics is [...]

  • Reminder: “Alternative Investments” Proposals due 15 June

    Updated: 2012-05-21 14:27:50
    | Peter Klein | Reminder: Proposals for the Managerial and Decision Economics special issue on “Effects of Alternative Investments on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Growth” are due 15 June 2012. Don Siegel, Nick Wilson, Mike Wright, and I are editing the special issue and organizing a paper-development conference 29 October 2012 at the SUNY Global Center in Manhattan. Click the link above [...]

  • Vertical (Dis)integration and Technological Change

    Updated: 2012-05-18 20:40:11
    | Dick Langlois | One of my longest-running interests has been the relationship between economic change, including technological change, and the boundaries of the firm. In broad strokes, my story is this: when markets are thin and market-supporting institutions weak, technological change, especially systemic change, leads to increased vertical integration, since in such an environment [...]

  • Why Do Firms Differ?

    Updated: 2012-05-17 20:52:30
    | Peter Klein | This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of two major contributions to strategy and organization, Nelson and Winter’s Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change and Lippman and Rumelt’s “Uncertain Imitability: An Analysis of Interfirm Differences in Efficiency under Competition.” Both tried to explain inter-firm performance differences without reference to market power or random shocks. [...]

  • Coase on NPR

    Updated: 2012-05-11 21:07:48
    | Peter Klein | Last week. Filed under: - Klein -, New Institutional Economics, People, Theory of the Firm

  • IT and Higher Ed

    Updated: 2012-05-11 16:45:26
    | Peter Klein | Joshua Gans’s Forbes piece on Stanford’s online game theory course brought up a larger point about higher education. I’ve been involved in various online, distance, web-based educational activities for many years. When designing an online course, the typical professor imagines each element of a traditional course, then creates a virtual equivalent. [...]

  • With the Pols

    Updated: 2012-05-08 20:52:42
    | Peter Klein | Two years ago I was in D.C. on Hayek-Klein day and found myself on an elevator with Ben Bernanke, upon which I persuaded him to sing me a few bars of Happy Birthday. True story. This year I was in D.C. again, this time to give an organizational economist’s perspective on [...]

  • Darden Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Conference

    Updated: 2012-05-04 01:39:21
    | Peter Klein | The Darden Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Conference is now underway in Charlottesville, Virginia. Keynote and roundtable sessions will be streamed on the conference website. Filed under: - Klein -, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Strategic Management

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