• Cranberry-containing products to prevent urinary tract infections

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:24:25
    Cranberry-containing products are a folk remedy to prevent UTIs. Researchers in Taipei and Boston evaluated their value and factors influencing their effectiveness. First, the details. Data from 13 studies, including 1616 patients, were used in a meta-analysis. The studies compared prevention of UTIs with cranberry-containing products vs placebo or nonplacebo controls. There were no restrictions [...]

  • Heart failure and the benefits of drinking coffee

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:24:25
    Research shows that coffee and caffeine are associated with increased blood pressure (acutely), (nor)epinephrine levels, arterial stiffness and impaired vasodilation. But according to researchers in the US, drinking just the right amount may lower your risk for heart failure. First, the details. Data from 5 studies of coffee consumption and heart failure risk, including 6,522 [...]

  • Does selenium reduce the risk for prostate cancer?

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:24:25
    About 15 years ago, researchers in the US published the results of a study showing that taking selenium supplements lowered the risk of prostate cancer. Now, researchers in the UK have examined all the available evidence for selenium intake, selenium levels in the body, and prostate cancer risk. First, the details. 12 studies with a [...]

  • Benefit of vitamin D and calcium in the elderly

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:24:25
    Vitamin D appears to affect many health outcomes. An international group of researchers reviewed the literature to see if there’s an effect on mortality. First, the details. 8 studies (more than 1000 patients) reporting data on mortality in which vitamin D was given alone or with calcium were reviewed. More than 90% were women, with [...]

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